cheerful man sitting on bench with dog
Beaver Hills House Park
Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel by APA

Beaver Hills House Park

There's so much to check out and enjoy here! You can hop across stones in the pond, relax on the grassy hills, or simply unwind on a park bench or picnic table. Plus, it's pet-friendly, so your furry friends can join in the fun too. The Aboriginal Walk of Honour is a cool addition, and everyone loves the public art—it's a hit with both kids and adults. 

Tucked between office buildings and restaurants it's like a little oasis right in the heart of Jasper Avenue, perfectly positioned on the south side of our downtown Edmonton hotel. With food trucks nearby and plenty of picnic tables in the park, it becomes the ultimate lunch spot. Don't forget to bring your furry friend along for a picnic, they'll love it too!

Beaver Hills House Park
Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel by APA