Couple in bed looking at a tablet

Coast Flex Rate

Backed by our Best Rate Promise

Wondering whether you’re getting the best deal? Worried about the hidden reservation and cancellation costs? Book directly through our website and we guarantee you never pay any hidden fees, you always get the lowest price and our *Coast Flex Rate is fully cancellable up to 24 hours in advance of your stay date.

Our Best Rate Promise ensures that if you find a lower qualified rate within 24 hours of making your reservation, we’ll match it and give you an extra 10% off. With our Coast Flex Rate, you can be confident you're getting our lowest unrestricted rate. By booking direct, you can also accumulate Coast Rewards points or earn with one of our partners, Aeroplan, Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan or More Rewards. Sign up now or sign into your Coast Rewards member account.

We know the unexpected can happen and affect your plans at any of our destinations. You can book with confidence and choose from additional great rates with exclusive cancellation policies that suit you best for a Refreshingly Local™ stay you can trust.

No reservation costs
Flexible cancellations*
Refreshingly Local™ stays you can trust

Terms & Conditions

*Choose the one that suits you best!

*Choose the one that suits you best!

Couple browsing on a laptop at Coast Hinton Hotel

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