Coast Hotels website bookmarked on the home screen of a mobile d

Bookmark us to your Home Screen

We are just a click away!

Have you ever wanted to access your favourite Coast Hotels location from a Coast Hotels app for iOS or Android? With just a couple of simple steps, we will show you a neat little trick on how to add a bookmark shortcut to our website onto the home screen of your Android or iOS device. It's just like a Coast Hotels app, but with all of the same great hotel deals and hotel information that our website provides.

Visit Coast Hotels Home on your phone and try out the steps below.

If you ever decide that you want to remove this helpful shortcut from your home screen, you can delete it just like you would any other app on your phone.

iPhone instructions

iPhone screen with an arrow pointing to the share button in Safari web browser

Step 1

Click the middle button on the bottom of the screen.

iPhone screen with a circle around Add to Home Screen button

Step 2

Press "Add to Home Screen".

iPhone screen with an arrow pointing to the Add button

Step 3

Press the "Add" button to confirm.

Android instructions

Android device with an arrow pointing to the settings button in Chrome

Step 1

Click the button on the top right of the screen.

Android device with a red circle around Add to Home screen button

Step 2

Press "Add to Home screen".

Android device with an arrow pointing to the Add button

Step 3

Press the "Add" button to confirm.

Woman smiling at phone

like it? try it.