many small USA flags

Memorial Day in the United States: how to remember and honor our heroes


Memorial Day is an important day for many people in the United States. It's a day to remember and honor the brave men and women who have given their lives in service to the country. This year and every year, the nation comes together to remember these heroes and to show support for the families they left behind.

Memorial Day has been observed in some form since the end of the Civil War, but it wasn't until 1971 that it became an official federal holiday. As the years went on, it became a special day to remember and show gratitude to those who have or continue to serve in the armed forces. Today, that tradition continues and the importance of the day remains as strong as ever. 

There are many ways to observe Memorial Day and some people attend parades or ceremonies, while others visit cemeteries or memorials to pay their respects. Some other ways you can support and observe the day is by wearing your Memorial Day button, visiting cemeteries and placing flags or flowers on the graves of fallen heroes, flying the U.S. flag at half-staff until noon, participating in a "National Moment of Remembrance", or visiting a military museum to learn more about the history of the day. 

You could also consider volunteering or making donations to organizations that support Veterans and the families of fallen heroes, such as Honoring Fallen Heroes. If you know a Veteran who needs support, the National Veteran Foundation has a list of resources to ensure they receive the support they deserve. Whatever your tradition is on Memorial Day, we encourage you to take some time to remember those who have served. 

silhouette of a soldier saluting an an american flag inset over a sunset

At Coast Hotels, we stand with our Veterans and active-duty military. We are proud to offer special rates at Coast Gateway Hotel and Waimea Plantation Cottages to show our support for those who have served their country and continue to do so. On Memorial Day, we join with the rest of the nation to remember and honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. We hope you'll join us in remembering and honoring our heroes on this and every Memorial Day.