little girl with a little white dog on a leash
Maffeo Sutton Park
Coast Bastion Hotel

Maffeo Sutton Park

Distance from hotel: 500 metres

Maffeo Sutton Park is a beautiful and expansive park located in the heart of Nanaimo. For dog owners, this park is an excellent destination to take their furry friends for a walk or a game of fetch. With wide-open green spaces and designated off-leash areas, dogs can run and play to their heart's content while their owners enjoy the scenic surroundings.

Additionally, the park is situated right along the waterfront, providing breathtaking views of the Nanaimo Harbour and the coastal mountains in the distance. Dog owners can take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline or relax on one of the park's many benches while their dogs explore the area.

Maffeo Sutton Park
Coast Bastion Hotel